Thursday, September 16, 2004

Welcome to my world!

My first post on the blog! Well, it is actually way to busy of a time in my life to be starting a blog, but I will try to keep it updated as often as I can. I am at a big stepping off point in my life & I have a lot going on and a lot of decisions to make of late. I am wanting to change employment. Not change careers-I thoroughly enjoy what I do-but change companies. My company sends me all over the United States to fulfill contracts and sometimes I must stay in these places for one or two years, or sometimes for only a few weeks. I am really tired of all the traveling. I would like to settle down in a community where I know my neighbors and where I can actually have a garden or maybe a fish tank! I wouldn't mind traveling for a week or two at a time, maybe once every few months, but this constant traveling has grown old after many years of doing it. So on my quest for the perfect company, I have done three phone interviews and I am scheduled to fly out, once again to another state, for a fourth interview in a few weeks. I am really hoping this last interview goes well. I feel it will be the perfect spot for me! I'll post more once I find out the good news. I miss the days of being young and applying for a single job and getting the job right away. It seems that the better a job you are qualified for, the more lengthy and tedious the process is in getting the job and deciding if the offer you get is really what you want!

On a side note: SURVIVOR: VANUATU starts tonight. I enjoy Survivor simply because I prefer to have only one night a week that is devoted to mainly TV watching and Thursdays are a good night for that. Survivor & CSI. (I do watch other shows on other nights, but Survivor & CSI are really the only ones I try to watch every week-I try to stay active and not turn into a couch potato).

Back to life outside the internet.....Many things to do....Until next time......

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